Something in between
Måsta allt vara svart eller vitt? Måste man alltid svaret på frågan antingen vara ja eller nej? Är det inte på tiden att kanske hitta ett nytt rum, en ny synvinkel på problemet och ett nytt svar på frågan. Jag tror vi är på väg dit. Det verkar som om fler och fler börjar se rummet som faktiskt finns där...borta...bara man vågar öppna den dörren. På dörrknoppen kan man med ett förstoringsglas läsa ¨En kreativ lösning¨. Vi börjar få ett nytt svar på frågan. Kanske börjar existera.
Must everything be black or white? Must the answer always be yes or no? Is it not time to maybe find new rooms, new angles to look at the problem and a new answer for the question. I think we are on the way there. It seems like more and more people starting to see the rooma thats right... there... just you dare to open that door. And on the doorknob you can read with a magnifer ¨A creativ solution¨. We are starting to get a new answer to the answer. Maybe is starting to exsist.
Must everything be black or white? Must the answer always be yes or no? Is it not time to maybe find new rooms, new angles to look at the problem and a new answer for the question. I think we are on the way there. It seems like more and more people starting to see the rooma thats right... there... just you dare to open that door. And on the doorknob you can read with a magnifer ¨A creativ solution¨. We are starting to get a new answer to the answer. Maybe is starting to exsist.